Rapé and Sananga

During a ceremony you will receive the opportunity to receive rapé and Sananga Medicine as part of your Kambo experience.

What is Rapé?

Pronounced “ha-peh” or “repay,” Rapé is a fine, ground-up shamanic snuff. It has been used for thousands of years for scared and spiritual practices. It is said that rapé connect us to the spirits of the forest and to the power of the God of creation. It is frequently used in spiritual practice by shamans and tribes in Brazil and Peru. The use of Tobacco in these cultures tends to be different than around the globe: it’s used in ceremony, rather than in mindless addiction.

Along with Tobacco, also called Mapacho rapé contains other medicinal and sacred plants, including parts from the tree bark, leaves, seeds and various plants. Different combinations for the plants provide different uses and effects, and the exact recipe is often kept secret by the creator.

Rapé is taken through the nose, one nostril at a time, using a bamboo or bone pipe, called a Tepi when giving to others. The receiver holds their breath while the administer blows the snuff into each nostril. It is important to blow into both nostrils in order to balance the energy.

During a Kambo treatment, rapé is used to help bring on a purge or to release blockages. It can also be used before or after Kambo to calm the mind, to ground, to center, to help focus and concentrate, lower blood pressure, cool down in heat, headaches, sinus problems, and release energy blocks.

What is Sananga?

Sananga is a traditional Amazonian eye medicine, sometimes called “lightening in the eye.” It is made from shredded root of the shrub, Tabernaemontana Sananga or Undulate. It is part of Apocynancene plant family which is the same family as Iboga. The active principle ingredient of Sananga is ibogaine.

Sananga also known as Bechette, has traditionally been used by the tribes to sharpen vision and enhance perception to help with hunting.

The Kaxinawa explain that Sananga works in two main energetic healing ways Physical and Spiritual.

One a physical level, it cleans and refreshed the eyes and has been indicted in the treatment of glaucoma, cataracts, astigmatism, conjunctivitis, dry and red eyes, photophobia, sinusitis and chronic headaches. It can also be a great ally in treatment of chronic pain.

One a spiritual level, Sananga can open the third eye, clean and expand the aura and balance the chakras, keeping one balanced emotionally, mentally and spiritually. Many people believe that Sananga can also clear away Panama so it is a useful medicine to support Kambo.

Sananga can be offered to people before Kambo to ground clients who are overly anxious and open the client in preparation for the treatment, during Kambo to help release emotions, and after Kambo to clean and refresh the eyes after resting, and help center and uplift after Kambo.

The burning sensation one can feel after the administration causes the release of endorphins, a chemical produced by the body to ease pain, which stay in body after the Sananga is gone, leading to a feeling of utmost relaxation.